I have the mistaken belief that we are all good people Sep 3, 2009
As if the Ocean is in taking apart a sand castle, saying
The world awash sprinklingly with such colorful forms as
as human as they are all from within their own eyes seeing
not-the-world entirely in line instead with their own lines
As if I can be right or wrong.
Sometimes i am doting on fragments or wholes, and
(in stead inline) i would very much like to come a long
for a long walk on the tiny looping jumping threads of a rope
hanging on a wall in orange light (from the evening, The Pollution he said)
and my feet would sound across plastic bundles upward and
gradually darkening footsteps echoing & knocking hardwood
(up:across) finding the windowglass too hot (melting soles
and i loose my balance+fingers unhindered by the clarity below,
coolness rushes from tips up arm and blows or washes everything
behind - escaped - am the sky touching a million billion trillion
and watching all of them and feeling as if I had been living my entire life inside.
I have the mistaken belief that we are all good people
linked from:
- I have the mistaken belief that we are all good people (i)
- Where does the song go when the needle is lifted?
all writing, chronological
next: sunset rainwater turns her sidewalk chalk-art into a sherbert delight; a surprise gift from chaos that tumbles her like tinkling bells onto the wet grass
previous: (a forest of blades)