i don't know what it is on the wind,but Jun 14, 2008
all of the forces in the world coming to gether in the waytha tthey are right now ~ remember she walks across the street in the rain,her black coat slickd with sky,even in this grey eve the fores t.is.a liv e.with bi rds caribou. carib ou?i n.the. fore st?that' s. odd/ .... ... something is missing,she think s to herself,feeling around in her pocket&feeling nothing but lint _______ . ? coming in to the florescence,she wringing(ring)out her umbrella,hanging(ring) on the umbrella hook in(ring)the closet. she answers the phone,checking her finger nails for wear,glancing across the room and talking but we cannot make out the words . some where rain drops are just trying 2 make it totheground & and some animals are just trying to reproduce and isn't that where the money goes anyway? "Please_hold,_sir_
i don't know what it is on the wind,but
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