comma splice Jan 7, 2010

You can't fight ideas with bullets, I said, but he tried anyway.

}i?! f; c,, immediately

falling through eons of nothing

when i died, i fell through the extra layers fast

(later i was told i had built up a lot of karma

when you have a lot of space, you tend to accumulate possessions)


like hitting the bottom of the ocean at 1000kph

        waking in your own body a million years hence

and when you look around through clouds of disturbed silt

you feel small, you realize death means nothing


Men in labcoats gathered around the monitor displaying a man with a gun. Someone off-screen exchanged words with him, and there was a loud sound. The monitor went gray. The men exchanged glances. As some were leaving and others were arguing, they heard another sound. It was like wind across a desert, chopped and distorted and layered against windchimes two miles distant. They saw green on the monitor, followed by black.

comma splice

links to: You can't fight ideas with bullets

linked from:
- how to survive a vacuum metastability disaster
- make a wish

all writing, chronological
next: never judge a by a reading
previous: We all float down here