bracket matching May 30, 2009
The fruit factory has exploded.
You are the journalist.
You walk the road collecting evidence for your exposé.
You find an apple [
You put it in your sack.
You find an apple [
You put it in your sack.
Now you have two apples.
You find an cucumber λ
You hate those.
You throw it away.
You find an apple [
You put it in your sack.
Now you have three apples.
You find two cucumbers λ λ
You hate those.
You throw them away.
You find a banana ]
You take an apple from your sack.
You throw them away.
Now you have two apples.
You find an avocado [
You put it in your sack.
Now you have three apples.
And an avocado.
You find a kitten and a soy λ λ
You hate kittens and soy.
You throw them away.
You find some boron ]
You take an avocado from your sack.
You throw them away.
Now you have three avocado.
You find a button ]
You take an apple from you sack.
You find
You find your special someone on someone on the hood of someone's
You are a goose, You
find a
bracket matching
linked from: spreads beautiful to darkness
all writing, chronological
next: I generally don't consume insects
previous: quiet evening snow blown with silence