I promise you a place of no words Dec 2, 2008

eventually, but writing is powerful to these people
who feel what they see
  (Pain is written on the barbed wire fences,
   Food, lightly, on the restaurant doors)
youth scrawl Forgotten in an alley
to escape a world they do not enjoy.
people write on themselves:

Strong, Happy, Friendly

they write on their cheeks
  Beautiful, Successful, Popular
they write Content and Spiteful
and Shamed and Blessed and Misinformed
and walk every day through the streets, reading everyone
reading every thing, leaving small notes on benches (Warm)
and waiting at traffic lights (Impatient, Lost, Busy)

and they write themselves on others (Confident, Poisoned),
as they pass (Eyes), and some day
someday a real rain will come
& words will be over.

I promise you a place of no words

linked from:
- nameless

all writing, chronological
next: and all is quiet...
previous: He believes he has written a poem, yes.